The Sexiest Languages to Learn Phrases In

“Impress her with a foreign language”
One thing women love is when men speak other phrases. Even if you’re meeting up with a slag you met online, you still want to impress her with a little bit of culture that she might not get in her everyday life. One of the best ways to do this is to let her see just how good you are with your mouth. In fact, after you say a phrase in another language that impresses her, add, “You should see what else I can do with my tongue.” Keep her thinking along the right track. Tell her that the best way to hear it is up close, and lean in to murmur a phrase next to her ear. You’ll be able to feel the way her pulse skips a beat. The sexiest languages to learn phrases in are:
The actual sounds of Japanese aren’t what are so beautiful, although they do have a certain aesthetic appeal. Better is the fact that it’s an intensely complex language. Better than even that is the fact that most women you meet off a site for slags aren’t going to speak a bare word of it, so if you mess it up, no one is going to call you on it. A few phrases of Japanese aren’t going to kill you to learn, and that’s all you really need to know. It’s such a difficult language that it’s almost impossible to learn right away, so just say you picked up a couple phrases on your travels.

“Learn to say ‘you are beautiful’ in Italian”
Italian is one of the classic languages of love. Your date may very well know how to get around from the station to the Spanish Steps, but hearing a bloke from just up the road may be enough to sway her to be interested in what else you have to say. There are countless lines from Italian songs that sound gorgeous when translated into English, so learn a couple and wow her.
French sounds gorgeous as long as you don’t spit too much. If you paid attention at all in primary and secondary school, you probably still remember how to say, “Where is the toilet?” If you want to pick up a book of French songs or poetry, however, you’re going to soon have more women fawning over you than you know what to do with. Women love hearing a man speak French properly, but make sure you’re not going to spit on her if you’re not accustomed to using your throat in the same way.