LocalShags.com Review: Discover How LocalShags.com Got Left Off Our “Top Slag Site” List
LocalShags.com is not exactly what we’d call a great site for finding and hooking up with women in the UK. More than anything, this site seems to exist to see just how vulnerable men will pay for just about anything, even if it’s a blank page with a few pictures of tits.
This site is generally a very lazy attempt at getting money from men who can’t figure out right away that they’re being scammed. The people who run this site aren’t interested in making sure that you’re going to meet anyone. Honestly, if they thought a couple hooked up because of them, they’d probably be very surprised.

We were hoping to meet some local ladies, but only found guys. Find out which online hookup sites actually has local women for hookups.
Let’s take a closer look at why we think there’s no way that you should use LocalShags.com for slag hookups when you’re feeling out websites to try for yourself.
How We Faired When Using LocalShags.com For Slag Hookups
During our LocalShags review, we sent out emails to 360 different women. It’s important to us to be fair to these websites, even if we don’t think it’s that good an idea to give some of these women a chance.
We make sure to always send out the same number of emails to women on every website. That way, we know that there’s no problem with our own biases when we release a review.
During our LocalShags.com comparison, however, we only got back 45 emails in exchange for our 360. This was a definite disappointment, and we were sure at that point that we weren’t going to be able to get a good amount of sex while we were on this site. We were right.
Find Out Why LocalShags.com Is Terrible: Will You Be Scammed At LocalShags.com?
When you go onto a website for hooking up with women the first time, you should already be at least a little horny from the front page. Yeah, it’s supposed to be just the first of many steps, but it’s the kind of thing that should easily get you in the mood.
The only thing the front page of LocalShags.com is going to get you in the mood for is a visit to another, better website. This site is rubbish. The front page looks like a bunch of classroom photographs, and you’re not going to be able to find any woman if you’re too busy turning your nose up at the women who look like they’d rather be anywhere else.
The website is obviously cheap. You wouldn’t want to meet a woman who only eats kebabs off the streets, and you wouldn’t want to date a woman who uses sites like LocalShags.com.
You get what you pay for. If you pay for a cheap website, you’re going to get cheap women. If you pay for expensive women, well, those are escorts and prostitutes, and you’re probably not going to be able to afford them.
Another thing we hated about LocalShags.com is the fact that this site didn’t seem to have much in the way of features. That’s not a surprise, but it isn’t exactly a point in its favor, either.
LocalShags.com In the News
Business Insider has found that tech sites like LocalShags.com have changed sex and dating: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-tech-changed-sex-and-relationships-2013-12
Jezebel reports that more and more, people are finding partners on bad sites like LocalShags.com instead of better places: http://jezebel.com/sex-robots-and-love-score-apps-this-is-the-future-of-d-1477327798
LocalShags.com Review: Will You Meet Slags At LocalShags.com?
LocalShags.com is the kind of website that comes from a kit and has clear instructions for how to put it together and take it apart again. This site is useless for meeting anyone, and you’re not going to be able to make sure that you get the most for your money.
If you use a cheap site like LocalShags.com, don’t be surprised if you don’t get any good feedback from a woman who’s on that site. However, this only applies in theory. In reality, all of the GOOD women to hook up with are on good sites.
Check out SocialSex instead. That’s our favorite site for hooking up the right way, with the hottest, most willing ladies.
this site was a total waste of my time. i really don’t like local shags and i just ahd to leave a review because it’s honestly the worst of the worst
there’s no comparison to how bad this site is! i can’t believe it’s still up and running, all it’s done so far is waste my time
a scam is all this site really is. it’s just been annoyign for me to use this whole time and i don’t think i’ll ever be coming back to it
definitely not sure if this site is legit or not, local shags is pretty weird like that. i think in general you shouldnt’ botehr giving this site a second glance
it’s just not good is the thing. this site really is a time waster and considering you wont’ get laid, there’s no reason to really stick around on it
a test run of local shags proved to me that it’s just a giant waste of energy. i can’t imagine this site ever actaully helping me get laid
can’t find a single real woman on this whole site and that’s why it gets a super low rating from me. this site is AWFUL!! i don’t ever want to use it again
when i write my new review 2013 list of this one i definitely wont’ be putting it near the top. it’s a bad site full of a lot of fakes as far as i’ve seen
for dating i guess that local shags is ok but it’s just not that great of a site. in general it seems pretty hit and miss which has been disappointing
usually i don’t like sites like this. i haven’t been proven wrong with this one so i’m probably not going to use it again in the future. what a waste.
skip this site. the only reason i gave it a shot was to see how bad local shags really is, and that’s why i just have to leave an awful review right now
comparison only to crap as far as i can see. this is a BAD SITE and they do nothing to fix it. what a waste of my time and energy!
i really don’t think this is anything but a scam. it’s a shame but honestly this site is just one that needs to be taken down as far as i can tell
i’m not sure how legit you can really say that local shags is. it’s just not that great of a site for me so far but i hope that it ends up working
not good and i don’t think it ever will be. this is jsut a waste of a site and it really isn’t going to get you laid so just take your time and go somewhere else
a test run of local shags has really made it clear to me how bad it is. save your time and money and go somewhere else if you have a brain
0 out of 10 rating without a doubt. this is an awful site and really not worth a single penny. i’ve just been disappointed by it again and again
when i do my new review 2013 list this site will be at the bottom. its just not good and there aren’t any real ladies on this site as far as i’ve seen
for dating this site is a big miss. i think that local shags is all about the booty and that’s just not my scene. not sure if it’ll work for others tho
i don’t like sites like this and this one hasn’t changed my mind at all. i don’t think i’ll be back in the future, it really hasn’t worked for me
if you’re looking for a good site this ISN’T it. stay away from local shags, i’mw riting this review to try and make sure that you really do!
there’s just no comparison to how bad this site is. i can’t imagine even coming close to making this site work so just skip it and save your time
a scam and nothing more as far as i can tell. there are nothing but fakes all over this site and it’s nigh impossible to meet real ladies on here
i’m not sure this site is legit but i’m trying to make it work. i think that local shags is just kind of hit and miss for me thus far
kind of a disappointing site. there’s not really anything good about it and i can’t really figure out how to make it work at all. what a waste
a test run has made it very clear how bad local shags is. i don’t really have any desire to come back and use it again so i don’t think i will
my only rating for this site has been a bad one and ti’s going to stay that way. this site is no good and it never will be, use something else
you won’t get laid and that’s why my review 2013 list has this site ranked very very low. it’s just not good and i don’t think it ever will be
local shags is kind of meh for dating i think. it could have a lot more potential but so far it’s just been kind of messy and not that great
not a good site. sites like this really just tick me off and that makes me way less likely to keep using them. i don’t think i’ll come back to this one
the only review this site gets from me is a bad one. i’m really not impressed with local shags and i can’t imagine anyone that would be. it’s just NOT good
the only comparison i can think of for this site is to just utter crap. it’s really not a good site and it isn’t going to get you laid
a scam and that’s all i can see this site as. i don’t think i’m wrong in assumign that either, it’s just a bad site and it always will be
not sure how legit you can really say that local shags is but for me it’s just not that good. i don’t think i really want to keep using it
not good! i don’t like this site and i don’t think it’s going to clean up its act any time soon. keep your money and time and go somewhere else