LocalSlags.co.uk Review: Discover How LocalSlags.co.uk Got Left Off Our “Top Slag Site” List
There’s not wanting to judge a book by its cover—and then there’s LocalSlags.co.uk.
This site is a complete and total waste of time. Worse, we knew it would be from the second we signed up for it. As soon as you go onto the website, you’re treated to the face of a woman attempting (and failing) to look slutty and ready for action.
This trend of the one large photo of a slutty woman is a bad idea for any man who wants to get laid. We’ll go into why this is bad later in the review—but for now, suffice it to say that we were well aware we wouldn’t get laid on this site from the start. We tried to make sure that we gave it the same fair shake as any other site, but it’s difficult when you know your efforts are probably going to be in vain.

We went in with high hopes, but this site is a rip-off. Learn which online hookup sites will get you real results.
Let’s take a look at why we didn’t have any luck on LocalSlags.co.uk, and why we think you won’t either.
How We Faired When Using LocalSlags.co.uk For Slag Hookups
During our LocalSlags review, we sent out emails to 360 women over the course of six months. Bear in mind that in the same amount of time, after sending the same number of emails, we got back 287 replies on SocialSex , our top rated site.
Unfortunately, LocalSlags.co.uk couldn’t hold up to that number. Instead, we only got back 58 responses, and the vast majority of them were utter and complete spam.
We did manage to set up one date, but she didn’t even bother to show up to the bar where we had planned to meet. Any site that promises hookups and delivers none is a waste of time, and that makes LocalSlags.co.uk one of the worst offenders.
Find Out Why LocalSlags.co.uk Is Terrible: Will You Be Scammed At LocalSlags.co.uk?
There’s a big reason why a big pretty lady is the worst possible way for a website designed on hooking you up with women to look. That’s because a site that only advertises with pictures of women is only advertising TO men, and not to both men and women.
Ask yourself: where are these women coming from?
Women don’t want to sign up for a site where it looks like they’re going to be an item or a commodity. They also don’t want to sign up for a site called LocalSlags.co.uk, for what we think is quite good reason. What woman wants to be called a slag?
Another reason LocalSlags.co.uk is so bad is the fact that it’s quite simply broken rubbish. You’re not going to find a lot of women on this site, because the women just generally don’t exist. There are very few of them, which you’ll actually rarely get to notice for one reason.
The messaging system is broken.
It’s a chore to send even a short message on this site. The messages get lost in an eyeblink, and it’s impossible to tell what you were trying to do before you moved the mouse a single inch. We’re surprised we got a single email back, to be honest.
LocalSlags.co.uk In the News
According to this article, using sex sites like LocalSlags.co.uk can lead to depression: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/faithonthecouch/2013/11/study-sayscasual-sex-can-cause-depression/
LocalSlags.co.uk Review: Will You Meet Slags At LocalSlags.co.uk?
We found LocalSlags.co.uk to be one of the worst sites we’ve ever used for trying to find slags in our area to date. Our LocalSlags comparison found that there are only a couple of sites that are worse than this one when it comes to finding dates.
Fortunately, there are many sites that are far better than this one. Our favorite is SocialSex , which is a much better choice all around. It’s better designed, has many more women, and in general will provide a better experience to anyone who wants to find dates tonight.
local slags is really not a good site. this one just gives me headaches to deal with and thats’ why i had to leave a bad review. skip this one and move on
no comparison to how bad this one is! i couldn’t find a single REAL profile on the whole site which just made it a giant disappointment. this one is seriously annoying
it’s nothing but a scam as far as i can tell. id efinitely don’t like this site and i definitely wont’ be back either. what a waste of my time
i can’t figure out if local slags is legit or not. i sure hope it is, but i’m really not sure about it thus far. i can only hope that i meet some ladies on here
it’s just not a good site. it’s really a waste of time and energy for hte most part and that’s pretty disappointing to me. i don’t think i’ll be using it again in the future
a test run proved to me how bad local slags really is. guess i just had to see it for myself! i won’t be using it again in the future that’s for sure
the only rating i can give this site is a bad one. it’s just NOT a good site and i really can’t see myself ever being able to use it successfully
when i did a review 2013 list i placed this site right near the bottom. it doesn’t deserve any good reviews, this site isn’t impressive at all
not sure how local slags performs for just straight up dating but it’s just kind of meh for sex dating. i don’t think i’ll be back to use it again
i don’t like sites like this and this one didn’t change my mind. i won’t be using it again in the future so just skip it and move on to another site
hate this site. that’s why i had to leave a review, i can’t imagine anyone actually enjoying local slags. it’s a total time waster for sure
i’m really not into this site at all. there’s actually no real comparison to the filth that it is and id efinitely don’t want to come back and use it again
another scam is all this site is. it’s just not good and i really don’t enjoy it all, so pass on this one and try another site ins tead
i’m not sure how legit local slags is. i want to make it work because there are some hot girls on here but for the most part it seems a little weird
this one is NOT good at all. i don’t think i’ll be back to use it again in the future, i can’t get a single woman on here to talk to me in general
the only test run i did of local slags really showed me that this site isn’t good. i don’t want to keep using it because it’s just a time waster so forget about it
the only rating this gets from me is a 0 out of 10. it’s NOT a good site and you will NOT get laid on here so what even is the point of using it
when i write a new review 2013 list this site will be right at the very bottom. it’s just not a good site and i really am disappointed in it so far
for dating i think that local slags is ok but not great. it’s been pretty hit and miss for me thus far but i hope that changes in the future
usually sites like this aren’t my cup of tea…and unfortunately this seems to be the same thing all over again. i don’t think i’ll come back to this one
i’m really not fond of this site. i think that local slags is a total waste of time and that’s why i just had to leave a bad review. skip this site!
there’s no comparison to how bad this is. i couldn’t get a SINGLE woman on here to talk with me let alone go out with me. forget about it!
nothing but a scam. i can’t find a single real woman on this whole site which makes me think it’s nothing but scammers. what a time waster
i’m pretty sure that this site has some non legit profiles but for the most part local slags seems like it has potential. i just hope it picks up soon
it’s just not good at all and i don’t ever want to use it ever again. it’s been a waste of time for me and i don’t imagine ever wanting to come back
a test run really showed me that local slags is just a hot mess. it’s just not a good site and i don’t like it at all. what a giant time waster
this site gets a 0 out of 10 rating from me. i can’t imagine ever being able to hookup with a girl courtesy of this site so it’s just not good at all
when my new review 2013 list came through i was gald to see i had ranked this site so low. it really deserves it, it’s not a good site at all
for dating i guess it’s ok? i think local slags needs a lot of work but for the most part it’s just kind of an ok site. mediocre in every way
i don’t like this site or any sites like it. it’s just a waste of time and i think in general it’s only out to scam you out of a lot of money
my review for local slags will NEVER be a good one. i don’t like it and i think that in general anyone with brains woudl avoid this site like the plague
a comparison to this site would be more like thinking of a comparison to crap. it’s not good and you won’t get laid so what’s the point??
i’m pretty sure this site is jsut a scam and that’s about it. you won’t get laid and i can’t really find a single real proflie ont his entire site
not legit and really not that great but i’ve seen a lot worse than local slags. it just keeps being hit and miss for me so let’s hope that changes
this site is REALLY NOT GOOD, you won’t get laid so i can’t imagine anyone wanting to stick around and actaully make this site work for them