How to Tell if a Woman is Easy

“Do you have the confidence to approach her?”
If you’ve been around the dating scene for a while, you’re probably well aware that one of the most annoying parts of dating is the very first stage—when you’re trying to tell whether a woman will be open to your advances or not. However, there’s a second layer to it. Even if a woman is interested, how do you know she’ll put out fast? We’ve put together a list of tips garnered from our personal experience to help you tell whether a woman is willing to put out or not from a single glance.
Her Dress
A lot of guides will tell you that if a woman is dressed “slutty,” she’s going to put out. We’re actually going to warn you against thinking like that, for a few reasons. The thing is, if she THINKS she’s dressed slutty, she’s probably going to be the kind of shy girl who just wants to have a good night out with her friends. It’s the girls that wear insanely short skirts and low-cut tops that think they’re all the way covered up that are the ones who are really willing to go home with you on the first date. You want a girl that looks very comfortable in the clothes she’s wearing, no matter what they are, because that’s a girl that’s comfortable with her own body. Those are the ones who are way more likely to put out for you.
Her Posture
What She’s Drinking

“Interpret her nature by knowing her drink”
What a woman is drinking says a lot about her intentions for the evening. If she’s drinking a single glass of wine in a bar, she’s probably not looking to go home with anyone. If, on the other hand, you see that she’s drinking hard liquor when she’s alone, she’s probably having some kind of an evening where she needs stress relief or comfort, either of which is a good sign for you. If she’s drinking shots, she’s already half out the door with the first guy that will support her weight. If she’s ordering something non-alcoholic, however, this is a wild card. While you might think that some women who drink non-alcoholic drinks are prudes, sometimes they’re recovering alcoholics who still like to go to bars and get crazy.