How to Make Yourself Look Rich
Women are attracted to men with money. There’s no use pretending this isn’t true. Every woman knows it, and every man knows it and doesn’t want to admit it (except the men who actually have money). The good news for an average bloke is that it’s not difficult to look like you’re swimming in money without actually having to be swimming in money. You just have to know how to present yourself so your behavior isn’t giving the lie to what you’re saying about yourself.
Dress Well

“Wear a nice shirt and suit”
Your clothes say something quite important about you. The good thing is, if you’re just planning to hook up with local slags, you don’t have to worry about whether or not you have a whole good wardrobe of clothing to wear all of the time. You just have to worry about a single outfit, because women aren’t going to see your everyday outfits. All you need is one nice shirt and one nice pair of trousers—and you should really have both of those things anyway.
Don’t Neglect Your Shoes
One of the biggest mistakes men make when they’re trying to look like they’re more well-off than they really are is that they try to look nice, then they forget to wear nice shoes. Don’t show up wearing everything you got from a spending splurge and a pair of ratty trainers. Shoes are one of your most important investments, so make sure you put the effort into them that they deserve.
Don’t Talk About Money

“Remember rich people seldom talk about money”
Money is a tricky subject, both for those who have it and those who don’t. Men who have no money will frequently talk about it more often than the ones who have got it. The easiest way to convince her that you’re not strapped for cash is to never mention exactly how much you have. She’ll just assume you’re “comfortable,” which isn’t a bad thing to be.
Be Busy
A man who’s busy looks like a man who’s got everything together in his life. Make sure she knows before your hookup that you can only meet at certain times, because your job keeps you fairly preoccupied. Men of a certain age (over 30) who have careers that demand a great deal of them are, in general, men who tend to be more well-off. Stress this fact about yourself, and you’ll be surprised at just how quick she will be to assume that you have money—which is, of course, the goal. You don’t want to have to SAY that you have it.
Emphasize Travel
Your typical local slag will not have taken many trips in her life. She might have gone to Paris once or twice on holiday, but that’s about it. If you can make it look like you’re part of a world she doesn’t even know (because she hasn’t been invited yet), she’s going to once again assume that you’ve got all the money anyone could ever need. This translates more quickly than you’d think into sex.