Hooking Up With Slags in a Small Town

“Whom do you want to hook-up with?”
If you’re from a small town, you might get jealous of the fact that so many guides to hooking up and having one night stands with dirty slags are targeted at men who live in cities. You know that it can be difficult to hook up in a small town, especially if you’ve lived there your whole life. Fortunately, we’ve put together a list of tips from our past experiences to help you figure out the best ways for you to hook up with women no matter what size town you’re from—and how to avoid the seemingly-inescapable pitfalls of living in a place so tiny.
Avoiding People You Know
You might think that there’s nowhere in town that you can go without people talking—and you might be correct. However, you can still manage to have some good hookups as long as you avoid the kind of people who are most likely to talk—and to disapprove. It’s your town, so you should be able to avoid these places pretty easily. Try going out to the places you favor for hooking up a few times by yourself, just to see beforehand who’s likely to be there. If the woman you want to hook up with online has a spot all picked out, do the same thing. Make sure that none of the notorious gossips or anyone that you don’t want to meet frequents those places at those times, and you should be all ready to go.
Going Out of Town

“It is easy to get laid with small town girls”
If you’re fed up with small town life, you’re probably quite used to going out of town for fun. However, you shouldn’t neglect that aspect of hooking up, either. When you’re browsing for slags online, make sure you’re setting your location to whichever city you want to hook up in. That way, you’re going to find people who are willing to hook up there. Many websites automatically detect your location, and try to find you women as close to you as possible. This is good for men who live where they’re surrounded by women who are thirsty for it, but less good if you happen to live in the country, or really anywhere outside of London.
Making the Most of Your Connections
If you’re not a fan of being gossiped about by the grannies with nothing to do, it’s good to lay your head low in the middle of town—but if you don’t mind that people whisper about the fact that you’re getting around, you have more options. Let your friends know that you’re on the lookout for lovely ladies. Let your family know that you’d like to find a nice girl—because they don’t have to know how brief your relationship is going to be. Go ahead and hear from your friends about slags they’ve shagged, and ask if they’ve kept the woman’s number. It’s not that difficult to get laid in a small town, as long as you know you’re not going to be all that stealthy about it.