Best Messages for Bagging a Slag
When you’re considering getting in contact with a slag you might have your eye on, you have to make sure your messaging strategy is on point. Otherwise, you don’t stand nearly as good a chance of getting yourself the date you want with a hot local girl.

Keep your message short.
We’d like to say to keep your message under 1000 words, and you definitely should—but you should aim for even fewer words than that. You’re not writing a novel to this woman, after all. You’re just trying to get her interested in having one date with you (that will probably happen entirely in bed, if you’re at all lucky with her).
Have template emails handy.
It’s important to have template emails ready for when you want to say something to a woman, but you’re kind of stuck about what exactly you should say. This is helpful, and extremely important when you consider when and why men make mistakes in contacting women.
The biggest mistakes men make—not giving good information in their profiles, not putting up good profile pictures, sending bad emails—usually happen because they don’t want to stop and think when they see a girl they like. If you have some quick template emails on hand, this will save you from needing to think up a great bit of prose on the spot, and it’ll keep your prose at a higher level than before.
Immediately discuss meeting up.
One of the best strategies to get slags is to not let them get too comfortable with talking on the Internet. One thing about women is that they’re somewhat frightened to get out of their comfort zones, even if that’s their intention, so you have to make sure to keep things focused in that direction.
Make sure you’re mentioning a meet-up as soon as you get a single positive email from this woman. You don’t want her to start thinking of you as “a man she knows from the Internet.” You want her to think of you as a man that is using the Internet to meet her, and one she’s going to meet up with as soon as it’s possible for both of you.
If she doesn’t want to meet, cut her loose. There are lots of other slags out there that DO want to meet up for sex. You don’t want to deprive them while you’re dealing with a woman who won’t meet you in person.