Habits That Will Gross Your Hookup Out
When you’re getting ready for a hookup, you want to make sure that you’re not doing the obvious things that will gross a woman out. Whether you plan to bring her back to your place or take her to a hotel, you want to make sure that the woman you’re with doesn’t have one foot out the door before you can even get her inside. The best way to make sure you don’t inadvertently gross her out is to make sure you get rid of the habits you don’t know are grossing her out. These are the habits that the women we’ve hooked up with in the past called their least favorite, so make sure that you don’t do these things.
Neglecting Hair Care
Leaving Things On the Floor
If you live alone, chances are you’ve left something on the floor at some point. Chances are there’s something on your floor right now. For some reason, most women just can’t handle that idea. If you have stuff on the floor when a woman comes over, she’ll think your house is dirty. If you have a wet towel on the floor of your bathroom, chances are she’s going to get right out of your house and never look back.
Talking to Your Car
We all love our cars, but some men take it above and beyond. We’re not talking about the mental blokes that like to stick it in the exhaust pipes or anything, but the slightly less loony ones who talk to their cars like they’re long-lost lovers or something—“Come on, Darling, you know you want to get me there, there’s a good girl for Daddy.” Just make sure that you’re not crooning to her when your new lady’s around, or you’ll soon find yourself being comforted in your loneliness by that same car.
Picking At Your Nails
Given all of the places your hands are likely to be on the body of your hookup, it’s not so strange that she’ll want to see you take good care of them. The worst things you can do for your hands are letting them get dry and cracked (just put some lotion on before bed every night, you want to anyway) and picking at your nails. Women hate it disproportionately when men pick at their nails. Now that you know which of your habits will gross her out, stop doing them.